Our Story

About Official Fellow Citizen - Sharing the U.S. Citizenship Story

Welcome to Official Fellow Citizen®. Our brand is all about celebrating the American Dream. It is inspired by our mom's journey to become a U.S. citizen. It shows that being an American is not just about paperwork. It is about hard work, sticking with it, and being proud of where you come from and where you are going.

We remember nights when our mom would sit at the kitchen table, studying for her citizenship test. Sometimes, she would mix up the word "yellow" with "Jell-O" because of her Spanish accent. We would laugh together about it.

One summer day in 1976 in Washington, D.C. stands out. It was the big 200th birthday celebration of the U.S., and the city was buzzing with excitement. Fireworks were everywhere, and everyone felt proud to be a part of this country. Right after our mom became a U.S. citizen, our whole family went out to join in the fun. We saw t-shirts that said, "Beneath This Shirt Beats the Heart of America," and that is how we felt too.

Walking over to the Lincoln Memorial, our dad got chatting with someone. When he found out about our mom's new citizenship, he smiled and said, "Congratulations! You are an official fellow citizen."

Now, Official Fellow Citizen® is our way of sharing that joy and pride. Our collection has special gifts for new American citizens. It is not just about a piece of paper. It is about being a part of something bigger.

Thank you for choosing us for your special citizenship gifts.

To everyone who has walked this path—a big welcome from us!